About Me

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I hold a PhD in Holistic Nutrition and enjoy writing and speaking about food and health. I am also the author of The Well Woman Cookbook and God Outside the Box: A Story of Breaking Free. I live in Hawaii and part-time in Arizona with my husband and cat, Pixie.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Getting off the Worry Wagon

Worry. What a strange and useless form of cultural conditioning! When things go wrong, we believe that we are supposed to "worry" about them. If we don't, people see us as floaty and unattached to reality.

Worry is very different than looking for a solution to a problem. When we worry, we hash over the bad things that are happening, who is to blame, and what will happen if things get worse. Worry emits a negative vibration becuase our focus is on the problem.

Looking for a solution, on the other hand, is very different. In this state, we identify the problem, then turn our attention away from the problem and look to see what we can do to rectify the situation. In other words, our focus is on the solution. This emits a positive vibration.

When we have done all we can possibly do to fix the problem, then the best course of action is distraction. In other words, use whatever we can find to take our attention off of the problem: a funny movie, a swim in the ocean, a good book, lunch with a close friend - as long as we're not chatting about the problem. Whatever makes us happy. If we do things that make us feel good, even if the problem is still there, we are now emitting a positive vibration.

By positive, I mean sending out a signal to the universe to attract to you things, events, people that you would like. And by negative, I mean the oppostite.

But getting ourselves off of the "worry wagon" is not that easy. We have it ingrained in us from childhood and it gets worse when things are not going our way. But with effort, focus, and lot of determination, step by step, we can better our mood and feelings, raise our vibration, and stay there more often. The result? The Universe responds by shifting our reality and we begin seeing evidence of things changing. The more we can maintain this higher frequency, even if it is just slightly better than before, the more we will notice the universe beginning to respond. It's like changing the channel on the radio. Different signal. Different response.

I am seeing this happening in my own life. This week, by meditating, exercising regularly, and focusing on things that make me feel good (writing, reading, studying nutrition) I improved my overall mood and sense of well-being. As a result:

-We found someone to rent our condo/vacation rental for five months straight.
-I got a message that my book, God Outside the Box, will now be offered in Kindle at Amazon.com in the UK.
-I lost a couple of pounds.
Overall, I feel much more optimistic about my future.

And the journey continues...

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